Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bug Levels, or how simplicity made our life easier

Had a conversation with Jordan Sissel at devops days regarding log levels and the different understanding between dev and ops people. Jordan called this a language problem. I will write another post about that topic, but the discussion reminded me of another situation, where some confusion existed, due to unclear definition of levels. Here is the story.
Some years ago, we had more than 300 Bugs in our bugtracking system, about 50% of them older than 3 month and some even older than a year. It took us some effort to manage these bugs, and we were quite frustrated with this situation. Especially as the IT seemed to be the only department that cared about the bugs. Product management did not care, they more focussed on new features. 

Here are some of the things we did and what we achieved:

Many bugs were left unassigned for quite a long time, and sometimes bugs would ping pong back and forth between teams. To overcome that, we introduced a dedicated role to manage these bug, called bug dispatcher. This guy would try to find out which team was most probably responsible for fixing the bug and push them to fix it. He would among other things be involved in discussions with product owners if a given bug should be fixed now, or not. This helped a lot to bring new bugs to the right teams fast, but it did not really reduce the amount of open bugs a lot.

So next we decided to close all bugs older then 3 month. If they were not fixed within this time, they could not be important. But this also required some effort, as we were not consequent enough to just automatically close them, but we ran around, and talked with the PO to close them.

As this was not such a great succes, we had a look at our bug levels and the duration a bug would stay open depending on the level assigned. We had quite a lot of different bug levels in our tracking system at this time : 
  • Blocker
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Normal
  • Minor
  • Enhancement
As far as I remember, we basically took the levels the tool was shipped with. Nobody could explain, if and how the handling of a minor bug in relation to a major bug should differ. What time would be acceptable.

It showed up, that bugs having the first three levels assigned, would be fixed within a reasonable amount of time, all other levels were interpreted as: "we will never fix this".
Having understood that, we drastically changed the number of bug levels and the rules applied for handling these.

We now have only two bug levels left:
  • Critical
  • Normal
Critical means, we are or will be loosing money or reputation due to this bug, which means we fix it immediately if found in production, or we will not push this release to production if found on staging.

Normal means, we fix it with one of the next releases.

If the bug is in the tracking system, it will be fixed, unless the product owner excepts the bug behaviour as acceptable for the product, and closes the bug.

This reduced the number of open bugs drastically. And it also took away a lot of discussions. Some simple and easy to understand rules made solving this problem much easier. Getting rid of all the other levels enforced a decision.

Simplicity makes our live much easier now.

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